Month of Europe Magazine

Strasbourg, European capital, Eurometropolis, where European citizenship is so present. Once again, May was a special month in Strasbourg: it was Europe Month! We sent our young web-trotters to a number of events organized in this context. The result? Young people learning more about the European Union, its identities and its values. They share their […]

Migrantech Seminar in Brussels

From 21 to 25 September 2021, the AMSED team met its partners from Belgium (Familles du Monde), Portugal (Factor Social) and Turkey (Anatolia Youth Association) in Brussels to participate in the Migrantech project Seminar. This Erasmus+ project aims to create a digital platform that will allow migrants and refugees to follow an online training pathway, […]

[Tutorial] Raise awareness about European Elections

With the aim of raising awareness about the European elections, AMSED is offering a simple, educational tutorial to help you understand what is at stake in the June 2024 elections. The following tutorial is aimed at anyone who wants to promote participation in democratic life, particularly among young people and disadvantaged groups.  

E-booklet of good practices of Franco-German cooperation in the form of citizen e-journalism “Les jeunes webtrotters transfrontaliers”

The Franco-German project “Les Jeunes Webtrotters transfrontaliers” is a project carried out in 2017/2018 by the AMSED, the Kehl Professional School and other Franco-German partners. It aimed at reaching young people between the ages of 16 and 30, interested in the media through various workshops and outings that were organized in mixed groups made up […]

E-booklet of good practices: youth participation in public life

This e-booklet was created following the Euro-Maghreb Forum on Citizenship and Participative Democracy, organized from 14 to 18 October 2016 in Kairouan, Tunisia, in partnership with the Mediation Memory of the Medina (Kairouan) and Youth and Development ( Remada). During this Forum, sessions of sharing good practices in the field of participatory democracy in France […]

Living Library

Organize a living library ! Tutoriel Bibliothèque Vivante ENG


Plan in time the various steps of your project with this software!

Discover Google tools!

Receive directly on your email address the latest news about your favourite topics! Here is the tutorial: Google alerts An online application of Google to easily create beautiful and useful survey! Here is the tutorial: Google Form The window of your organisation on Google: address, pictures, opentime… Here is the tutorial: GoogleMyBusiness Discover the various possibilities offered by Google Drive, the […]

E-module 6: Webinar

A webinar is an online conference that is easy to set up and that can be used for a wide variety of purposes. The document below document will tell you more about how to set up a webinar and also how to participate in one. WEBINAR A video tutorial about the software GoToWebinar: