Once again this year, mobility opens your arms. Do you want to get involved in a project by young people for young people? In 2020, Peru, Morocco, India, Vietnam, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Nepal and all of Europe are within reach.
It is possible to train all year round?
The European training courses and seminars offered throughout the year enable social workers, socio-cultural workers, students, youth leaders and voluntary workers to live a mobility experience, to meet their European counterparts, to create bridges between their local work and a European approach to the world of youth. They thus become multipliers of this enriching experience and bring new visions and energy to their practices.
And why not get involved in European or international volunteering ?
As a desire to carry out missions of general interest (socio-cultural animation, heritage protection, informing young people, helping people in difficulty, etc.) within a non-profit structure (association, local authority, etc.) in another country. To promote solidarity and enable young people to take advantage of opportunities to travel by making themselves useful. European and international volunteering is a place for intercultural encounters for motivated and voluntary people. The project can be of construction, renovation, environmental protection, animation, but also the accompaniment of people and the realization of educational, sanitary and social infrastructures, organization of reforestation campaigns, etc. These places of meeting and contact with other people, from all over Europe and abroad, will enhance your knowledge and know-how! They will introduce you to archaeology, history, nature protection, children, extraordinary places in the world… and group life.European or international volunteers for a short period (2 weeks to 2 months) are intended to promote the skills of the volunteers, and the meeting and exchange of young people from the host country.