IEUME – Access to training is still a problem for migrants

In a study (small scale survey and series of roundtables) conducted in 5 European countries (Portugal, France, Austria, Malta and Cyprus), most participants (61.5%) stated that they had never received training as migrants in their host country. The lack of time, especially due to the urgency of working to ensure their economic stability, was one of the main causes identified as a contributing factor. Other identified barriers were the lack of information for training opportunities, language barriers, and the absence of of available training schemes.

The aforementioned lack of training leads to a vicious cycle where the absence of training reduces the chances for economic stability and enhances the need to work longer and under difficult conditions, which in turn reduces the possibility for training that would help escape this cycle. 

This study is described in a free e-book, available at, which also includes a review of training opportunities for migrants and brief national reports on integration policies for each of the participant countries.

This work is the result of the first stage of the project IEUME, funded by the Erasmus + fund, which aims to promote the integration of people of migrant origin through online training on issues pertinent to the European Union. This training will be free of charge and will cover topics such as the EU institutions, access to rights, political culture, civic participation, employability and cultural heritage.