“E-Learning for EVS project” : Kick-off Meeting

About the project

The E-learning for evs, or online training, is a training technique based on the provision of educational content via an electronic medium. Today, and with the creation of web 2.0, E-Learning has evolved, it has moved from a place of data storage to offer packages of knowledge to the learner to a tool that rely on the effectiveness of a knowledge and understanding co-constructed and socially constructed, whose learners participate in the improvement of the continuous knowledge and know-how. They explore them, but they can also reclassify them, reorganize them, discuss them through social networks and translate them into foreign languages.


The kick off meeting took place in Strasbourg (France) for two days transnational project works. The objectives of this meeting were to determinate the methods of the implementation of the project and the role to be assigned by every partner. Also, the preparation of research schemes which aim at detecting the specific needs of the European volunteers in terms of On-line trainings and support.


This project engaged 11 EU partner countries, is centered on the topic of on-line educational support for the EVS volunteers. It will have diverse and complementary activities for 12 months. The e-learning proves to be an efficient means for ensuring the chances equality for the European young volunteers, developing their competences all along their EVS. It enhances their skills, optimize their role within the host community, and pave their way towards their career. The e-learning, can be an efficient and sustainable educational tool to support mentors, trainers and supervisors the volunteers as well.


To ensure equal opportunity for young European volunteers to develop their skills throughout their project cycle, and to engage European volunteers in an ongoing, easy-to-reach learning process that will enable them to develop their skills, optimize their role in the host community and prepare for professional life; and in order to optimize and support the role of tutors and supervisors of European volunteers in this sense, E-learning is an effective and sustainable modern training medium, which creates an easy learning environment, accessible and interactive that allows actors of voluntary action to universalize, build, modify, create and share knowledge.

  1. Giving the youth workers, the opportunity to obtain new knowledge, skills and competences about the e-learning within the framework of informal education and about uses of modern methods of learning in the sector of young people’s informal with a view to update and improve their own working process.
  2. Promoting the adoption of innovative practices within the frame of EVS and the education in the sustainable entrepreneurship, by working out learner-tailored and teamwork-centered paths of learning and making smart use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and of free educational resources, in a broader context of an open, accessible learning to everyone.
  3. Allowing the beneficiaries of EVS to develop their personal competences in the course of their service and join in an educational process which facilitates their transition from the world of volunteering into the professional world, by means of modules of e-learning which help them to acquire skills commensurate to their own needs (personal and professional), ensuring thus their potential as active citizens.
  4. Creating an innovative tool of identifying and validating the knowledge, skills and competences acquired by non-formal education, through e-learning.
  5. Improving the competences of the partner-organizations (active in the volunteering field) making use of the potential of e-learning and particularly of the “Moodle” application.
  6. Improving the participation in the learning process and boosting the ties between international volunteering and the “employability”.


National training courses on this topic, a training for the participants but can also be trainers. Be optimistic and involve serious people who want to have a good quality network and motivated.

Outcome project

Create the online platform (example of how it will look: the old e-platform of Solidarity Tracks e-evs.eu). The platform would be for EVS participants in stages. Participants would take part in online courses and different topics (before, during, and at the end of the stage), toolbox for activities for EVS (interactive). Can be about activities, soft skills, dissemination, empowerment of volunteers, etc. We agreed we must implement and disseminate the e-platform to all (organizations, not just volunteers). Content of the platform, discussion with the potential participants, needs and competences that they want to develop, then choose topics aligned with the needs of the volunteers.

Participant’ selection

People who were interested and motivated. People who already has knowledge and experience with EVS or was involved in different ways in the EVS program. Who want to share their experiences and created very interesting topics, innovation of youngsters that create fantastic and unexpected tools in ways not expected. The people who need to work on this platform need to have something more: all these methods, desire). We have the ability to design the project and make it something we want it to be (make it useful). Not for organization, but for volunteers (mentors, partner organizations, and common basic knowledge for potential EVS applicants). Date line for the selection of the participant : 17th February 2018. Before the 30th January, the coordinator of the project will send an email to all the partners to know if the find some problems to recruit participants and help them.

If you are interested in participating in this project to become an e-mentor, do not hesitate to contact us: network@amsed.fr or +33 981917167