Parcours sans Frontières Training

On February 5, 2019, a workshop was held all day at AMSED to prepare for the departure and return of young people going on volunteering. All the partners presented themselves and presented their structure :

– LEGTA Wintzenheim
– CASF Bischwiller
– High School of Pflixbourg
– Ballade Association
– Alsace Digitale
– City of Strasbourg
– League of Education Upper Rhine / Grenz Up
-CLG Gérard De Nerval
– Schattenmann High School

Then our project manager set up different games and practical cases. For each practical case the aim was to give the best advice in the field of volunteering / mobility to the young person. They were each able to give their opinion and exchange together.

2 examples of practical cases:

– A 20-year-old French girl wants after a CAP in a field that no longer interests her to make a humanitarian trip “to feel useful”.
– A young man of 19 years, passionate about ecology, wants to take a sabbatical year to go abroad and visit environmental structures (future entrepreneurship project).

Different situations / games have been set up:

– Culture shock by going to the country chosen by the volunteer: what is “normal” in some countries do not have in others. For example, in India, the notion of respect and tranquility is not the same as in France: people can make as much noise as they want, even during the night, nobody will come to claim.
– Culture shock when returning to one’s own country: some come back and find themselves in a gap between their family and themselves, because they have discovered a new culture that will change them for life.
– Sketches like: At a party with friends organized shortly after your return to France, a person asks you to tell your volunteering experience: Role 1: You, the volunteer Role 2: The guest who questions you Role 3 : Another guest

A workshop was held: COMPETENCY BACKPACK: The purpose is to review the skills acquired during the volunteering experience, prepare the nominative balance sheet, prepare to write a resume and letters of approval. motivation. This will help young people realize that their commitment will continue in the long term, both internationally and locally, but also from a personal and professional point of view.

This day allowed participants to better understand the departure / return of young people to volunteer. Thanks to this, they can more easily prepare them to be in a totally different culture from theirs.