Association Migration Solidarité et Echanges pour le Développement (Strasbourg, France), Dinamo – Associação de Dinamização Sócio-Cultural (Sintra, Portugal), and the European Youth Meeting and Education Centre Weimar (Weimar, Germany) are inviting you to become partner in a multi-measured KA1 project titled “REVEALING COLONIALISM”, which will be applied through Erasmus+ within the next deadline (4th of October 2016).
About the proposal:
Post-colonialism does not mean something past, targeting the time after the de-colonialization but the ongoing and the presence of the colonial experience. It’s less a term than a category for analysis which is targeting more on something “not closed” then on the past or a solved issue. Speaking about postcolonialism we deal with the relationship between the past and the presence. The term “postcolonialism” includes three dimensions: the description of the historical situation after the end of the colonial time, a theoretical concept criticizing colonial shaped knowledge and the analysis of
consequences of colonial power – on the side of the ones which were colonialized and the colonists.
In this way we have to speak about wide parts of our European (post-colonial) societies nowadays. The following questions are the starting point for any mutual cooperation and work with youth within the planned events:
· Is the colonial background fueling racial issues?
· How are we dealing with this past today?
· Are we perpetuating it´s symbols (street names, places)?
· How can we get a deeper understanding of the reasons behind this?
· What´s the positives aspect of dealing with this?
More information about the proposal, eligible partners and becoming a partner you can find in the documents below.9_1710-revealing-colonialism-call-draft-mre-140920169_1710-revealing-colonialism-mandate-partners-draft 9_1710-revealing-colonialism-partner-identification-form-draft